Youth Ministry
We are a group of young people who are collectively learning about God’s grace and love. As we begin to find our place in the world (Jeremiah 29:11), we also come to know and experience who Jesus Christ is and how much He loves us (Romans 5:8).
Pastor David Shih
Pastor David Shih came to better understand God’s grace as a young working adult. He is currently married and has two just-about-teenage sons. He received his MDIV from Grace Mission University. While serving at the church, he also works part-time as an industrial-automations software engineer.
Friday Night Youth Meetings
For many, after a long week of school, we gather together to count God’s blessings. We may study God’s Word or simply hang out. But we never forget that ultimately, our goal is to fellowship together (Hebrews 10:25) and to mature a relationship with Jesus Christ (John 14:6) and the Holy Spirit (John 14:26).
Hebrews 10:25, John 14:6, John 14:26
Sunday Service
By God’s grace, we have many musically talented young people. We have our own praise band and love to worship God. We invite you to join us on Sundays to praise God (Psalm 150:6) and to listen to God’s Word together (2 Timothy 3:16). We also try to stay connected with the adults in the church by meeting together with them once a month (Ephesians 6:2-3).
Psalm 150:6, 2 Timothy 3:16, Ephesians 6:2-3